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WEEK #9: Fixing My Mistakes

I am slowly but surely learning how to be an alteration seamstress. I learning in college how to make alterations but not to the scale that this internship requires. I am learning as a go, and with that, many mistakes are made. Learning how to fix mistakes in sewing is one of the most important parts of knowing how to properly construct garments. Luckily, I’m the queen of mistakes and I’ve made many of them in my time at college. I have found that taking a deep breath, re centering myself, and maybe watching a youtube tutorial has been the best way for me to make it through these mess ups. The amazing thing about sewing is that you can always fix your mistakes. I remind myself of this often. It is true, you can’t add fabric back once it’s cut, but you can patch it up and make it into an all new garment. A client doesn’t always want a patch on the knee of their pants, which is understandable, but I have been lucky enough to work with clients that have patience with me as I learn and grow.