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WEEK #8: Manifestation

Two weeks in to my internship with Stef (stylist) I already saw growth in my position. I went from making minor alterations to being scheduled for fittings and commissioned for custom pieces. I started to fall in love with the work I was doing and gaining more confidence with my skills. Every project I did felt like a milestone in preparation for my future fashion career. I felt like I was building trust with the clients and stylist faster than I could have dreamed of. Very quickly I was commissioned to make a pair of pants for a client. I have found that the best way to succeed at times is fake it until you make it. Although I knew how to make a pair of pants, it was not my strong suit, and I was panicking inside. Through trial and error I made the pants and they worked out perfectly! Although I was anxious, I kept reminding myself that this is what I have been learning for the last 4 years of my college career. I was capable, I just needed to believe it. For this next season of life I am manifesting more custom work, but specifically, custom work that is my origin design. These clients go to award shows, and my dream is to make their red carpet pieces.